Saturday, November 22, 2003

Reading Joy is a real joy for me

Bill Joy, is really an amazing man. I have read his "public penance" why future does't need us in the wired magazine some time earlier and I found it very much interesting and it gave me some glimpses of this great man.
He has the same role model as I have - Michealangelo.
For of this things, which he has said in this article are amazing.

Q:I mean, left at the company.
Joy:We're still there in spirit. There are an awful lot of good people at Sun who have been there a long time. Sometimes, founders leaving is a good thing. You start to get in the way.

Q:Are you any more at peace with what you see coming?
Joy:Not when the forces at play are so powerful that we have such strongly negative possible outcomes. Do we care whether we get a police state without civil liberties because the government's "protecting us" from terrorists? I think we do care. Are people paying enough attention to stop it? I don't think so.

Q:Meanwhile the markets continue to pour money into the fields that worry you - genomics, nanotechnology, and robotics.
A:Because they don't have to pay the bill.

Q:You mean the damages if something goes wrong?
A:Right. But I'm afraid we're not going to have this discussion until there's a really big accident, and maybe not even then. Assuming any of us are still around to have the discussion.

Q:Downsizing expectations? That's pretty pessimistic.
A:I'm not a pessimist. Democracy is about individuals giving up the ability to do whatever they want so that everybody can have some rights. We may have to give up some of the power of high technology if we want to keep our civil liberties. And that is a choice, whether we realize it or not.

Q:Tell that to the happy workaholic hordes of Silicon Valley or Wall Street.
A: Hey, I quit my job.

Q:All right, you win. What are you doing for fun these days?
A:I'm figuring out a meditation wall for my apartment in New York. Eight feet high by 12 feet wide, with an array of overlapping rear projectors, each with a tiny Linux box and connected by gigabit Ethernet. I would love to get 72 dpi but will probably settle for less - about 30 megapixels for the whole thing. [Former Walt Disney Imagineering guru] Bran Ferren and Danny Hillis [inventor of massively parallel supercomputing] at Applied Minds are building it for me. It's very bright. Given that it's in an apartment, the main limitation will be power availability. I'll also need some great 30-megapixel images. Any ideas? I can always put a picture of stars on the wall. In Manhattan, you can't see them - except, of course, in a blackout.

Is'nt it nice...

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