Thursday, October 21, 2004

Reliance Internet connection over Fedora Core2

Wow! I was able to connect at last the LG LSP -340E Reliance to
Internet (Rconnect ISP). The problem was, I was able to establish a connection, but when fired up a browser, it said Alert site not found. As if no connection was present.
Checked the /var/log/messages, the IP is assigned.

The problem is /etc/resolv.conf is not getting a proper Nameserver address when using Reliance Phone on Fedora Core 2. ( I am not sure, if this the limitation of script I tried, limitation of Fedora Core 2 - Rconnect or a general problem with Reliance ISP on any Linux box).

The following information helped.
Essentially to add these nameserver addresses in your /etc/resolv.conf

The script I used was rconnect-cmdline-1.0.tar.
Just google for it, you might get it, if not leave a comment, shall
pass that along.

1 comment:

sajith said...

Well, Jaybrata Bhattacharyyathis seems to have R-connect related stuff on his site.

Is it the one you mentioned?