Monday, June 20, 2005

ctags and some vim stuff

If you are editing a C program using vim, then create a tag file using ctags

:!ctags . [ . for the current file ]
:!ctags * [ * for all the .c and .h files, if you are in a src directory]

Now, the next time you stumble across a function name,variable name and you want to know its declaration, then just do a CNRL + ]. Thats it! Quite useful.

Another feature of Vim is Auto-completion. for example
#include<expat.h> has number of XML related declarations typing the first few characters of variable and then doing CNTL+N
should provide you list for the auto-completion. Interesting, huh?


I could have never typed the above properly (without losing my sense, CNTL+N helped me)

...creating a tags file is the first thing I do when browsing a program
- Bram Moolenar in Vim: Seven habits of effective text editing.


Kannappan said...

AutoCompletion is one good feature of gmail as well. (obviously)

And the slightly similar find as you type firefox browser.

Senthil Kumaran said...

Yeah, the first time I discovered this Auto-Completion feature was in MS Outlook. An ardent fan of this feature since then.